Ein MordsTeam ermittelt wieder kostenlos



Louis Leterrier


Omar Sy, Laurent Lafitte, Izïa Higelin, Dimitri Storoge, Jean-Louis Tilburg
Ousmane Diakité and François Monge are two cops with very different styles, backgrounds and careers. The unlikely pair are reunited once again for a new investigation that takes them across France. What seemed to be a simple drug deal turns out to be a much bigger criminal case wrapped in danger and unexpected comedy.
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    Übersicht - Wähle eine Sprache & Qualität

    Mirror 1 | 06.05.2022 - Ein MordsTeam ermittelt wieder.[1988].German.720p.BluRay.x264

    Summary & Details

    Ousmane Diakité and François Monge are two cops with very different styles, backgrounds and careers. The unlikely pair are reunited once again for a new investigation that takes them across France. What seemed to be a simple drug deal turns out to be a much bigger criminal case wrapped in danger and unexpected comedy.


    ~119 Min.

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    Louis Leterrier