Raptor Island kostenlos



Stanley Isaacs


Lorenzo Lamas, Steven Bauer, Hayley DuMond, Michael Cory Davis, Peter Jason
A team of terrorist-fighting Naval officers in the South China Sea finds their struggle against the enemy taking a backseat to the fight of their lives when an horde of creatures thought to be extinct for millions of years descend upon them in an action-packed tale of man-versus-monster starring Steven Bauer and Lorenzo Lamas.
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    Mirror 1 | 12.02.2022 - Raptor Island.[1988].German.720p.BluRay.x264

    Summary & Details

    A team of terrorist-fighting Naval officers in the South China Sea finds their struggle against the enemy taking a backseat to the fight of their lives when an horde of creatures thought to be extinct for millions of years descend upon them in an action-packed tale of man-versus-monster starring Steven Bauer and Lorenzo Lamas.


    ~89 Min.

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    Stanley Isaacs