A Journal for Jordan kostenlos



Denzel Washington


Michael B. Jordan, Chanté Adams, Jalon Christian, Gregory Sanon, Cleveland Berto, Johnny M. Wu, Nicholas G. Sims, Vanessa Aspillaga, Joseph Brooks
Chronicles Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Dana Canedy's relationship with a soldier named Charles Monroe King. Deployed overseas in combat zones, he began writing a journal full of life lessons for their newborn son Jordan.
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    Mirror 1 | 01.09.2021 - A Journal for Jordan.[1988].German.720p.BluRay.x264

    Summary & Details

    Chronicles Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Dana Canedy's relationship with a soldier named Charles Monroe King. Deployed overseas in combat zones, he began writing a journal full of life lessons for their newborn son Jordan.


    ~100 Min.

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    Denzel Washington