Stillwater - Gegen jeden Verdacht kostenlos



Tom McCarthy


Matt Damon, Abigail Breslin, Camille Cottin, Deanna Dunagan, Robert Peters, Eric Starkey, Moussa Maaskri, Justin France, Gary Sievers
Bill Baker, an American oil-rig roughneck from Oklahoma, travels to Marseille to visit his estranged daughter, Allison, who is in prison for a murder she claims she did not commit. Confronted with language barriers, cultural differences, and a complicated legal system, Bill builds a new life for himself in France as he makes it his personal mission to exonerate his daughter.
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    Mirror 1 | 10.01.2022 - Stillwater - Gegen jeden Verdacht.[1988].German.720p.BluRay.x264

    Summary & Details

    Bill Baker, an American oil-rig roughneck from Oklahoma, travels to Marseille to visit his estranged daughter, Allison, who is in prison for a murder she claims she did not commit. Confronted with language barriers, cultural differences, and a complicated legal system, Bill builds a new life for himself in France as he makes it his personal mission to exonerate his daughter.


    ~140 Min.

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    Tom McCarthy