Aznavour by Charles kostenlos



Marc di Domenico


Romain Duris, Marie Montoya, Michel Klochendler, Charles Aznavour, Pierre Roche, Lino Ventura, Evelyne Plessis, Édith Piaf, Jacques Pills
In 1948, French singer Charles Aznavour (1924-2018) receives a Paillard Bolex, his first camera. Until 1982, he will shoot hours of footage, his filmed diary. Wherever he goes, he carries his camera with him. He films his life and lives as he films: places, moments, friends, loves, misfortunes.
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    Mirror 1 | 09.03.2021 - Aznavour by Charles.[1988].German.720p.BluRay.x264

    Summary & Details

    In 1948, French singer Charles Aznavour (1924-2018) receives a Paillard Bolex, his first camera. Until 1982, he will shoot hours of footage, his filmed diary. Wherever he goes, he carries his camera with him. He films his life and lives as he films: places, moments, friends, loves, misfortunes.


    ~76 Min.

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    Marc di Domenico