Mit der Faust in die Welt schlagen kostenlos



Constanze Klaue


Anton Franke, Camille Loup Moltzen, Anja Schneider, Christian Näthe, Katrin Röver, John Paul Halle, Swetlana Schönfeld, Nico Hartmann, Noah Dymke
Two brothers grow up in the Saxon province (part of Germany) at the turn of the millennium, where the dream of family happiness in a new house quickly turns into a nightmare of decay, violence and xenophobia as they desperately search for stability and belonging.
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    Mirror 1 | 05.02.2025 - Mit der Faust in die Welt schlagen.[1988].German.720p.BluRay.x264

    Summary & Details

    Two brothers grow up in the Saxon province (part of Germany) at the turn of the millennium, where the dream of family happiness in a new house quickly turns into a nightmare of decay, violence and xenophobia as they desperately search for stability and belonging.


    ~110 Min.

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    Constanze Klaue