The Room Next Door kostenlos



Pedro Almodóvar


Julianne Moore, Tilda Swinton, Alvise Rigo, Alessandro Nivola, John Turturro, Juan Diego Botto, Raúl Arévalo, Victoria Luengo, Alex Høgh Andersen
Ingrid, a best-selling writer, rekindles her relationship with her friend Martha, a war journalist with whom she has lost touch for a number of years. The two women immerse themselves in their pasts, sharing memories, anecdotes, art, movies—yet Martha has a request that will test their newly strengthened bond.
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    Übersicht - Wähle eine Sprache & Qualität

    Mirror 1 | 01.10.2024 - The Room Next Door.[1988].German.720p.BluRay.x264

    Summary & Details

    Ingrid, a best-selling writer, rekindles her relationship with her friend Martha, a war journalist with whom she has lost touch for a number of years. The two women immerse themselves in their pasts, sharing memories, anecdotes, art, movies—yet Martha has a request that will test their newly strengthened bond.


    ~107 Min.

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    Pedro Almodóvar