Black Cake - Staffel 1 Stream



Zetna Fuentes, Natalia Leite, Tara Nicole Weyr


Chipo Chung, Rupert Evans, Ashley Thomas, Adrienne Warren, Rebecca Calder, Cara Horgan, Tom McKay, Mia Isaac, Faith Alabi
Eleanor Bennett loses her battle with cancer, leaving her children a flash drive that holds untold stories of her journey from the Caribbean to America; the stories shock her children and challenge everything they know about their family's origin.
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    Mirror 1 | 31.01.2024 - Black Cake - Staffel 1.[1988].German.720p.BluRay.x264

    Summary & Details

    Eleanor Bennett loses her battle with cancer, leaving her children a flash drive that holds untold stories of her journey from the Caribbean to America; the stories shock her children and challenge everything they know about their family's origin.


    ~60 Min.

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    Zetna Fuentes, Natalia Leite, Tara Nicole Weyr