Tripped Up kostenlos



Shruti Ganguly


Leah Lewis, Ashley Moore, Ariel Winter, Sasha Fox, Jo Ellen Pellman, Gil Perez-Abraham, Judy Gold, Danny Kornfeld, Justin Guarini
Aspiring chef Lizzy sets off with her three best friends in tow to compete in the prestigious Saucy Food Festival. What begins as a calculated career move quickly turns into a madcap misadventure full of food, fun and female bonding, where the girls learn that struggle can be the secret ingredient to success.
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    Mirror 1 | 21.11.2023 - Tripped Up.[1988].German.720p.BluRay.x264

    Summary & Details

    Aspiring chef Lizzy sets off with her three best friends in tow to compete in the prestigious Saucy Food Festival. What begins as a calculated career move quickly turns into a madcap misadventure full of food, fun and female bonding, where the girls learn that struggle can be the secret ingredient to success.


    ~96 Min.

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    Shruti Ganguly