Julia muss sterben kostenlos



Marco Gadge


Sabrina Amali, Nellie Thalbach, Michel Diercks, Stephan Grossmann, Bianca Nawrath, Mohammad-Ali Behboudi, Thilo Prothmann, Katharina Schlothauer, Jana Bauke
What a curious plan of Lya. Putting sleeping pills in the morning tea of her father. Pulling the sleeping wheelchair user to the vegetable store of her brother and attending secretly the acting exam. And all this only because Lya thinks that eight years of caring for her father where enough tribute to the family.
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    Mirror 1 | 06.02.2023 - Julia muss sterben.[1988].German.720p.BluRay.x264

    Summary & Details

    What a curious plan of Lya. Putting sleeping pills in the morning tea of her father. Pulling the sleeping wheelchair user to the vegetable store of her brother and attending secretly the acting exam. And all this only because Lya thinks that eight years of caring for her father where enough tribute to the family.


    ~95 Min.

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    Marco Gadge