Ich will deinen Kopf kostenlos



Demofilo Fidani


Jack Betts, Gordon Mitchell, Benito Pacifico, Grazia Giuvi, Giancarlo Prete, Luciano Conti, Klaus Kinski, Jeff Cameron, Amerigo Castrighella
Macho Callaghan is a lieutenant in the Federal Guards and his job is to capture Butch Cassidy, Ironhead, and their band of outlaws. Getting in touch with Ironhead, Macho finds a way of being hired by the outlaws. But when the two leaders quarrel and decide to separate, Macho manages to convince Ironhead to attack Butch Cassidy.
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    Mirror 1 | 28.09.2022 - Ich will deinen Kopf.[1988].German.720p.BluRay.x264

    Summary & Details

    Macho Callaghan is a lieutenant in the Federal Guards and his job is to capture Butch Cassidy, Ironhead, and their band of outlaws. Getting in touch with Ironhead, Macho finds a way of being hired by the outlaws. But when the two leaders quarrel and decide to separate, Macho manages to convince Ironhead to attack Butch Cassidy.


    ~88 Min.

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    Demofilo Fidani